
One-on-One Sessions

IF YOU are LOOKING TO INCREASE CLARITY, PURPOSE, AND CONNECTION IN YOUR LIFE, WORK WITH ABBY ONE-ON-ONE to gain insight and actionable tools to create a shift towards your highest self.

abby specializes in working with empaths to support proper psychic protection and energetic exchange.

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Practice Yoga

Join abby for her unique brand of intentional, embodied deep breathing yoga.

join in-person classes in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Or practice with one of abby’s pre-recorded youtube videos.

If you want to transform your life, gain a new perspective, find your purpose, and a framework to live by, get involved with Abby! I am fortunate to have completed her Yoga Teacher Training, partake in mentoring, and be a regular student of her classes. She is exceptional - do yourself a favor and experience what she has to offer for yourself.
— Daniella, Santa Fe

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Join Abby’s Mailing list to keep up-to-date with the newest offerings, and have access to abby’s online guided yoga Classes & meditations.
